Monday, November 3, 2008

Obesity and spirit of the psychological

The incidence of obesity is more a result of the sexual, eating habits and food intake is too important reason, to the character, Jing Xi, the lack of movement of people with obesity occurred. It was found that when the mood swings from time to time, 74% of the increase in food intake in patients with obesity, obesity, rather than in the psychological barriers when they are eating less. In addition, an important psychological change that with the weight of obese people increased activity on the decrease, resulting in a vicious circle.

Medical scholars of the Soviet Union Chavalit Dr. Wu Kefu clinical observation statistics show that the majority of obese energy surplus is mainly due to less physical activity, do not like to engage in sports activities, and often in bed, with interest, the more Obesity in bed longer, he (she) or to sleep soundly, or lying down reading or eating. I left the bed and Egypt, have little time for activities that once sat there, he (she) had to sit down on that, in their office or classroom Fuan also love to read ... .... In a word, he (she) are lazy, I would like to have the opportunity to sit or lie down. (China Sports 91.9.11)

More interesting is that, like it or lie down corrupt sitting in the obese, most people eat sweet hi greedy or spicy products - ginger, garlic and onion and so on. These products will enable the spicy notes obesity significantly increased secretion of digestive juice, to appetites, together with the sugar in the sweets, more "surplus energy" and add to obesity.

Soviet scholars on the basis of clinical observation and research findings suggested that some obese people to say that, in order that he (she) had the health and longevity should be strictly limited obese lying, so that he (she) must give up lying, greedy sit Habits. To this end, family members should actively guide him (her) to engage in a variety of activities such as swimming, bicycling, picnic, ski ... ... because they support the project can avoid the occurrence of movement organ movement. In addition, the restrictions should he (she) are sweet or spicy food products.

Soviet scholars pointed out that the experiments show that greedy lying on a bed in the obese? Engaged with the campaign to raise interest, lying on his bed time will be reduced in proportion, after three months to six months, weight loss results. (China Sports 91.9.11)

Because the abnormal state of mind so that the weight gain due to obesity are many examples. About 90 years of the Mid-Autumn Festival, I have out-patient obesity, has received a pair of husband and wife from Hainan.

The couple, married for three years, when they seek medical treatment can not yet pregnant woman, but in recent days due to body weight, after inquiry, I was informed that his wife obesity has obvious psychological factors, plus the heart Qiuzi as a result of abnormal menstruation, each When the period when she emerged, her weight on the apparent increase in response to a similar pregnancy symptoms like vomiting, anorexia, weight loss, over a week after the increase in appetite, less dynamic, with their minds at ease, as if the pregnancy-hi, take the initiative Gradually lower abdomen, adipose tissue, an exercise to increase. As a result, his wife interrupted on a number of obesity, had a number of visits to hospitals to simple obesity treatment, but has been unable to resolve the issue of menstruation.

In view of this, I was briefed on the diagnostic criteria for simple obesity, the need to identify the disease, as well as the normal signs of pregnancy, menstruation whether or not the impact on women, the difference between menstruation and pregnancy, and so on. Then, in accordance with her body fat, to extend the period in the short term thickening abdominal fat, such as pregnant belly bulge, the palm of your hand and upper extremity subcutaneous fat thickness, Wan does not stuffy, short gas, the spirit of the doldrums, the stick Fa throat morning, Tanduo, short tongue moss Baini, Shen slip pulse. Tanzu is to determine the uterus caused by infertility, it is necessary to improve the physical approach, I think at this time to promote the gas, blood, sputum, Yu factor for the Yuan Dynasty Heng Zhu Zhen Doctors described in medical knowledge: "Women Sheng people fat, not pregnant and more. "Following their pregnancy because:" There are lipid membrane blocking the uterus. "" No blood was also non-free for the sputum and also not obstruct. "Rule of its law should be Liver Qi, phlegm Tongluo, promoting blood circulation Reducer. And traditional Chinese medicine to open prescription:

Chenpi 10 grams, 10 grams ginger Pinellia, Seeds of Brassica alba 10 grams, 6 grams mte Tan, Poria 10 grams, 12 grams Inula (fried cloth), Atractylodes 12 grams, 10 grams textilis, 6 g Radix, Radix 10 G, 6 g licorice, 10 grams Alismataceae, Eupatorium 10 grams, 10 grams Passepartout, Puhuang 10 grams, 10 grams told paeony Shui Jianfu its first in the first month after serving only one day before 5, after After a month of the previous day, according to the original suit, menstruation is not an error, MS three months to six months.

For her husband, the laboratory examination is due to prostatitis caused by the reduction in sperm count, high-viscosity (30), abnormal increase in white blood have 0-2 months / HP, RBC 1-3 / HP, the rate of the activities of 50%, l Hour survival rate of 65%, 20% grade 3, 4, good at Mathematics 2.8 × 10 (6 th power) / ml, mamillata moss thin yellow slip pulse string to use heat Huashi for us.

Malt threw 30 grams, 10 grams Alismataceae, Eupatorium 10 grams, 10 grams paeonol, Poria 10 grams, 10 grams of raw land, dandelion 20 grams, 15 grams cordata, 10 grams of pollen, red peony 10 grams of wild Chrysanthemum 10 grams, Wang did not stay in line 10 grams, 10 grams Passepartout, the madder 10 grams, 20 grams Motherwort, plantain 10 grams

Even serve 20, sexual shelter, be nursed back to health by diet, add fresh vegetables, Seishi soothe the nerves. Rehabilitation of sick, and then seek son on the day.

After about 3 months of treatment, the couple have been cured of the disease, I think do not have to field service agent to be nursed back to health-based diet, they are recommended to buy this "knowledge" and "sex manual", "wedding Must-read "Look, look at reproductive knowledge and wished them too early Takako.

New Year's Day 92 years, I have received from the city of Haikou in Hainan Province Express, they have cute little girl, and good growth. As the science and adjust the diet, his wife nor behind the re-birth pregnancy as a result of obesity. At the same time, and in a letter sent from Hainan's tropical scenery on the calendar, I saw the big blue sea, silver and yellow on the beach, the sea side of a coconut tree, hung in a tree full of a few coconut fruit is toward us, as if in the Asked me if I have to hear their laughter, see their Xiao Mao Yong and Britain, feel the hearts full of fat, a general practitioner unique joy, and I look forward to the sea between people have the same deep feeling, like fire Love.

Indeed, to say that, in addition to such psychological obesity, some mental patients for a variety of ill-will lead to loss of appetite and hyperactivity, and obesity appears that these patients should be cured by a psychiatrist in the mental illness at the same time, using behavior therapy treatment.

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